To issue items to a borrower:
- Scan or type the item’s accession number in the Barcode box. Repeat this step for each item to be issued, or,
- Click on Search item to the right of the Barcode input box.
This will pop up an item search form window and allows items without accession numbers to be issued. Locate the item and click Select Record
You can select records across pages. At the bottom of the browser you'll see the number of records selected. You can click Clear to deselect all the records.
If there are allocated items awaiting collection by the borrower then an alert will be displayed when you enter the borrower’s number.
Click OK to continue.
You can issue an item that has been reserved and allocated to one borrower to another borrower, and specify that this issue satisfies the reservation.
If you select the Complete reservation checkbox and click Proceed then this will complete the allocated reservation and clear it from the record of the borrower who originally placed the reservation.
If you clear the Complete reservation checkbox and click Proceed then this will deallocate the reservation — i.e. the borrower will go back into the reservation queue. Any allocation charge will be automatically removed.
A reservation is completed when any item for the reserved titled is issued – even if it is not the allocated item. For example:
The first item has been allocated to a borrower.
When the second item is returned and issued to the borrower this alert will display.
Click Proceed to deallocate the [top] allocated item and fulfil the reservation with the 2nd item.
When the issuing of an item causes a reduction in the loan period (i.e., because there are other outstanding reservations) then an alert is displayed to show that the due date has changed. The Reduction rate for loan period is specified in the loan policy.
Staff can set an overriding loan period when issuing items to a borrower.
To do this:
You can click the "X" to reset the override settings to the default values. The override settings are also cleared when you select another borrower (if Clear OLP per borrower is selected) and when you change transaction type, e.g. from issues to return.
To display details of the loan policy for an issued item:
To display details of the last borrower of an item:
If an alert is displayed when you try to issue or renew an item, you will only be able to proceed if you have a high enough privilege level.
In the example below the privilege level of the alerts is High and Medium, and this is higher than the staff member's privilege level.
However, you can click the Supervisor button to be prompted for a username and password. A staff member with a higher privilege level can then temporarily log on in order to override the restriction.
The Supervisor button does not apply to borrower validation alerts, i.e. the ones that are displayed when you enter the borrower’s number — you can always override these alerts to display the borrower’s details. It only applies to the alerts that are displayed when you are trying to carry out a transaction for the borrower, for example, if you are trying to issue an item.
Here is a list of the borrower alerts:
Once you have finished issuing items to one borrower click the ‘X’ next to the borrower's name. This signals to the Circulation module that you are finished with this borrower and that the issue slip should now be printed. It also clears the screen.
If you have finished issuing items to the borrower and now wish to print the issue slip before continuing with further transactions for this same borrower, you can click Finish slip.
Scanning in the next borrower number acts like Reset — it signals to the Circulation module that you are finished with the previous borrower, and that the issue slip for that borrower should now be printed.